NEW! Chan Luu EFI Seed Beaded Triple Wrap Leather Bracelets

 Chan Luu EFI Seed Beaded Triple Wrap Leather Bracelets

We are so excited to get in a limited stock of Chan Luu e.f.i leather wrap bracelets because not only do they look gorgeous, but just as importantly, they support a wonderful vision.

The Chan Luu ethical fashion international (e.f.i.) is a line designed by Chan in collaboration with artisans around the world. The line is hand crafted by local area artisans and is part of an ongoing effort by Chan, in conjunction with the International Trade Centre, a United Nations agency, to develop sustainable industries in underdeveloped areas and give artisans in these areas the opportunity to work and build a better life. 

Since 2012, the Chan Luu e.f.i. project has been able to create jobs for over 1,000 artisans in 24 community groups. The jobs created have helped artisans with finance, future, and fundamentals. They help locals pay for school fees and rent, help parents save for their family's future, and allow the work force to gain skills and knowledge to prepare for future work opportunities. 

As Chan Luu eloquently puts it, this effort is "Not Charity, Just Work" and that works better than any charity because it's about building skills that lead to sustainability and self independence.

The Chan Luu e.f.i. line consists of two lines. The Kenya collection is handcrafted in Nairobi, Kenya and incorporates raw-cut leathers and colorful patterned bead work. The Haiti collection is designed with handcrafted Haitian paper beads made from 100% recycled magazine paper.

We are so in love with this project that helps local communities on a deeply social and ecological level. 

Our Chan Luu efi beaded triple leather wrap bracelets are only $55.00 each, and look wonderful worn alone, or stacked with other wraps. They come in a beautiful array of beaded colors that have a lovely metallic, iridescent, or pearly finish. 

The Chan Luu efi bracelets are featured below with Chan Luu's signature wraps to illustrate how easy they are to mix and match. Have fun with your arm candy!

 Chan Luu EFI Seed Beaded Triple Wrap Leather Bracelets

 Chan Luu EFI Seed Beaded Triple Wrap Leather Bracelets


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